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Personal stats

1  Roulette
Last talked: Today 0:43
Lines: 15295
Days active: 33/59
Average lines per day: 463
Average letters per line: 97,0
Exclamation ratio: 16%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Today 0:43<Roulette> 6 * Roulette zegt tegen 4iedereen:4 Synopsis 6heeft een11 Lottery Ticket 6Gewonnnen omdat4 groen 6viel!
0:43<Roulette> 1,9 Congratulations Synopsis ! You WON A LOTTERY TICKET! With Roulette For the next LOTTERY ROUND!
0:43<Roulette> 6 * Roulette zegt tegen 4iedereen: 6De uitslag van deze ronde:4 Synopsis 11 -.620.000 (4Roulette 11 620.000)
2 Bankier
Last talked: Today 2:00
Lines: 13703
Days active: 55/59
Average lines per day: 249
Average letters per line: 74,9
CAPS ratio: 4,1%
Exclamation ratio: 74%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Today 2:00<Bankier> 4 Dennis 6bought4 16 tickets. for4 10.000 euros.
2:00<Bankier> 4 Lowerland 6bought4 16 tickets. for4 10.000 euros.
2:00<Bankier> 4 Ophidian 6bought4 16 tickets. for4 10.000 euros.
3 Ophidian
Last talked: Today 1:21
Lines: 3484
Days active: 57/59
Average lines per day: 61
Average letters per line: 22,4
CAPS ratio: 1,7%
Question ratio: 5,1%
Exclamation ratio: 2,3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Today 1:07<Ophidian> zeg het ma
1:13<Ophidian> *zucht* :-(
1:18<Ophidian> snap er geen kut meer van lol
1:21<Ophidian> nah perfect dus :P
4 RvF
Last talked: Yesterday 1:55
Lines: 3458
Days active: 10/59
Average lines per day: 346
Average letters per line: 69,3
Exclamation ratio: 28%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 1:49<RvF> 12Zo alles is geupdate, Voor een nieuwe ronde, type4 !rad
1:55<RvF> Beginnen met rehash...
1:55<RvF> Rehash voltooid!
5 Sluts
Last talked: Today 1:34
Lines: 3399
Days active: 44/59
Average lines per day: 77
Average letters per line: 120
CAPS ratio: 55%
Exclamation ratio: 100%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 23:55<Sluts> 1,9 Congratulations Ophidian ! You WON A LOTTERY TICKET! With Slots For the next LOTTERY ROUND!
Today 1:34<Sluts> 12Hey iedereen! 4Ophidian 12draaide [ 1,14 Bar | 1,14 Bar | 1,14 Bar ] 12en wint daarmee ( 160 x 100000 ) 16.000.000 euro!!
1:34<Sluts> 12Hey iedereen! 4Ophidian 12draaide [ 1,11 Lime | 1,11 Lime | 1,11 Lime ] 12en wint daarmee ( 100 x 100000 ) 10.000.000 euro!!
6 BigBucks
Last talked: Today 1:34
Lines: 3237
Days active: 31/59
Average lines per day: 104
Average letters per line: 151
CAPS ratio: 39%
Exclamation ratio: 100%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 16:44<BigBucks> 1,9 Congratulations Synopsis ! You WON A LOTTERY TICKET! With BigBucks For the next LOTTERY ROUND!
23:50<BigBucks> 1,9 Congratulations Ophidian ! You WON A LOTTERY TICKET! With BigBucks For the next LOTTERY ROUND!
Today 1:34<BigBucks> 1,9 Congratulations Ophidian ! You WON A LOTTERY TICKET! With BigBucks For the next LOTTERY ROUND!
7 Lowerland
Last talked: Yesterday 3:29
Lines: 3127
Days active: 44/59
Average lines per day: 71
Average letters per line: 21,3
CAPS ratio: 4,1%
Question ratio: 1,8%
Exclamation ratio: 6,7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 3:26<Lowerland> :P
3:26<Lowerland> idd
3:26<Lowerland> hehehe
3:28<Lowerland> ja ik ga ff in bad
3:29<Lowerland> en daarna waarschijnlijk bed
3:29<Lowerland> denk ik
3:29<Lowerland> thanxs
3:29<Lowerland> slaap lekker
3:29<Lowerland> H4L
3:29<Lowerland> :p
8 eL-LoCo
Last talked: Today 1:34
Lines: 2628
Days active: 21/59
Average lines per day: 125
Average letters per line: 30,7
Question ratio: 20%
Exclamation ratio: 12%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Today 1:19<eL-LoCo> ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ miau!
1:21<eL-LoCo> (。☉౪ ⊙。)
1:34<eL-LoCo> mmm can i have a beer?
9 Chandro
Last talked: 11.9. 22:15
Lines: 1360
Days active: 41/59
Average lines per day: 33
Average letters per line: 16,1
Question ratio: 3,9%
Exclamation ratio: 4,3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  3 nicknames used  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
10.9. 23:14<Chandro> 16:04 <BigBucks> << Chandro >> JACKPOT! Chandro wins with five -- CHANDRO --'s and win 100.000.000 Euro! (3 spins left)
11.9. 22:15<Chandro> wtf dennis
22:15<Chandro> wtf dennis
10 Talk
Last talked: Today 0:42
Lines: 929
Days active: 23/59
Average lines per day: 40
Average letters per line: 164
Question ratio: 17%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 20:44<Talk> 1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,108,1 Nou groupier, draai die bal. Wij zijn klaar om 4Roulette 8te spelen 1,101,91,81,71,61,51,41,31,2
20:47<Talk> 1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,108,1 Nou groupier, draai die bal. Wij zijn klaar om 4Roulette 8te spelen 1,101,91,81,71,61,51,41,31,2
Today 0:42<Talk> 1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,108,1 Volgens mij worden de spelers bang. :P 1,101,91,81,71,61,51,41,31,2

Top 3 referred people

  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Lowerland  16 <Bankier> Lowerland, you are not the current ticket winner.
2 Ophidian  10 <Bankier> Ophidian, you are not the current ticket winner.
3 yeah  8 <Chandro> yeah, i went out of city

Top 3 stats freaks

  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Ophidian  7 "this weekend i will update chanstats again :D"
2 Talk  3 "1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,108,1 Hallo 4 ChanStats 8En..."
3 Lowerland  3 "set bot_nick7 "Chanstats""

Big Numbers

Talk knew those right words and said ":P" for 457 times.
eL-LoCo was uncertain about many things - 20% of lines contained a question.

Talk was also looking for answers with a question ratio of 17%.

Bankier didn't have anyone to talk to and performed 721 monologues (writing over 5 lines in a row).

Roulette also chatted to himself 668 times.

Talk wrote the longest lines - average of 164 letters per line.

(normal people in #Speelhal wrote about 67 letters/line)

Chat partners

People who talk most to each other

1 OphidianRoulette
2 BankierLowerland
3 BankierOphidian
4 FedaykingRoulette
5 BigBucksChandro
6 LowerlandRoulette
7 ChandroSluts
8 BankierRoulette
9 BankierChandro
10 BankierSynopsis

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days First seen percentage
1 Ophidian  57 19.7.2024
2 Bankier  55 19.7.2024
3 Sluts  44 3.8.2024
4 Lowerland  44 19.7.2024
5 Chandro  41 20.7.2024
6 Roulette  33 6.8.2024
7 BigBucks  31 16.8.2024
8 Fedayking  26 8.8.2024
9 Talk  23 24.8.2024
10 eL-LoCo  21 26.8.2024
11 RR-NL  14 7.8.2024
12 Synopsis  12 22.7.2024
13 Info-Bot  12 28.7.2024
14 Dennis  11 12.8.2024
15 LowerIRC  10 29.7.2024
16 RvF  10 5.9.2024
17 Black-Jack  8 20.7.2024
18 Keno  6 30.8.2024
19 cjefke  6 31.8.2024
20 thelounge28  6 28.7.2024

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At Currently
1 Ophidian  46 1.8. - 15.9.2024
  Currently 46 days active
2 Bankier  45 2.8. - 15.9.2024
  Currently 45 days active
3 Sluts  44 3.8. - 15.9.2024
  Currently 44 days active
4 BigBucks  31 16.8. - 15.9.2024
  Currently 31 days active
5 Talk  23 24.8. - 15.9.2024
  Currently 23 days active
6 eL-LoCo  21 26.8. - 15.9.2024
  Currently 21 days active
7 Roulette  17 6.8. - 22.8.2024
  Currently 4 days active
8 Lowerland  15 25.8. - 8.9.2024
  Currently 4 days active *
9 Fedayking  11 22.8. - 1.9.2024
  Last active 3 days ago (12.9.2024)
10 RvF  10 5.9. - 14.9.2024
  Currently 10 days active *
11 Chandro  9 13.8. - 21.8.2024
  Last active 4 days ago (11.9.2024)
12 Dennis  6 4.9. - 9.9.2024
  Currently 1 days active
13 Keno  3 13.9. - 15.9.2024
  Currently 3 days active
14 RR  3 28.7. - 30.7.2024
  Last active 5 weeks ago (7.8.2024)
15 thelounge28  3 28.7. - 30.7.2024
  Last active 5 weeks ago (9.8.2024)
16 cjefke  3 31.8. - 2.9.2024
  Last active 2 days ago (13.9.2024)
17 Black-Jack  3 7.8. - 9.8.2024
  Last active 2 weeks ago (31.8.2024)
18 Synopsis  3 12.9. - 14.9.2024
  Currently 3 days active *
19 RR-NL  3 7.8. - 9.8.2024
  Last active 3 days ago (12.9.2024)
20 Info-Bot  3 28.7. - 30.7.2024
  Last active 2 weeks ago (1.9.2024)

Activity distribution

7/2024 - 9/2024

Lines per day Number of days
1 (1,7%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (1,7%)
0 (0%)
2 (3,4%)
1 (1,7%)
2 (3,4%)
5 (8,5%)
5 (8,5%)
6 (10%)
9 (15%)
5 (8,5%)
7 (12%)
13 (22%)
2 (3,4%)

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
140.. 2 Talk(164), BigBucks(151)
120..139 0 -
100..119 2 Sluts(120), Scrabble(109)
80..99 2 Roulette(97,0), Black-Jack(95,2)
60..79 5 Bankier(74,9), RR-NL(70,8), RvF(69,3), RadvFortuin(65,7), Lotto-Nl(61,3)
40..59 3 Lotto(59,2), Info-Bot(56,2), RR(54,2)
..39 7 eL-LoCo(30,7), Synopsis(30,0), Ophidian(22,4), Lowerland(21,3), Fed...

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

Overused words in #Speelhal:

Count Word Last used by At
14426 "tegen" Roulette Today 0:43
14245 "lottery" Bankier Today 2:00
14103 "4iedereen" Roulette Today 0:43
6714 "ticket" Bankier Today 2:00
4305 "4Roulette" Roulette Today 0:43
4236 "Congratulations" BigBucks Today 1:34
4218 "uitslag" Roulette Today 0:43
4216 "ronde:4" Roulette Today 0:43
4004 "tickets" Bankier Today 2:00
3981 "round" BigBucks Today 1:34

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
15706 "Roulette" Bankier Today 2:00
5667 "Ophidian" Bankier Today 2:00
3721 "Lowerland" Bankier Today 2:00
3438 "Chandro" Bankier Yesterday 23:17
2231 "Fedayking" RadvFortuin Yesterday 21:25

Who uses the most words that no-one else uses?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
161 RvF "3!rad"(16), "06Opgave"(35), "10Synopsis"(27), "00M04"(86), "00T04"(41), ...
55 Ophidian "ASCII"(13), "chiquita"(25), "tuulk"(4), "whole"(3), "duurd"(3), "achter"(5), "hahahaa"(7), ...
50 Talk "hallo"(16), "sterren"(35), "listen"(16), "welkom"(15), "8gezecht"(94), "please:P"(19), ...
46 RR-NL "brengt"(24), "bidden"(20), "plaatst"(20), "trekker"(71), "terwijl"(47), "04heeft"(41), ...
32 Lowerland "putserv"(29), "SEARCHING"(18), "pussy"(5), "JeeeJ"(3), "saine"(3), "pauze"(3), ...
25 Bankier "claim"(225), "ULTRA"(1120), "Golden"(327), "for4"(2926), "claimed"(107), ...
17 Roulette "6viel"(219), "6heeft"(219), "4Casino"(48), "een11"(219), "omdat4"(219), ...
16 eL-LoCo "mmmmm"(72), "chili"(76), "melons"(72), "♡【I"(54), "bastard"(67), "monkeys"(82), ...
14 Info-Bot "replay"(16), "amouth"(15), "botname"(18), "rrhelp"(11), "speelt"(11), "botnaam"(7), ...
14 Synopsis "usage"(11), "hourly"(11), "nohup"(4), "exceeded"(11), "import"(3), "encode"(3), ...

These pairs like to talk in their own special language
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
91 Ophidian and Lowerland "bezig"(13), "zeggen"(9), "mooie"(4), "whois"(4), "water"(4), "nieuw"(3), "haaha"(3), ...
55 RvF and RadvFortuin "daten"(31), "koopt"(69), "12Het"(409), "wint4"(23), "onze4"(29), "12Alle"(22), ...
25 Ophidian and Chandro "spend"(10), "going"(9), "wrong"(5), "great"(5), "pfffff"(8), "nothing"(11), "years"(4), ...
21 RR-NL and RR "temple"(24), "raises"(35), "slowly"(35), "mouth"(15), "against"(24), "allready"(18), ...
15 Lotto and Lotto-Nl "3Lotto"(103), "number1"(42), "number5"(42), "number4"(42), "number2"(42), ...
11 Ophidian and Talk "mensen"(36), "*Wink*"(27), "gekomen"(17), "showed"(13), "owner"(10), ...
11 Ophidian and Synopsis "blauw"(5), "vhost"(3), "botje"(3), "blijf"(3), "ander"(3), "ppgave"(3), "vrijdag"(4), ...
10 Scrabble and Scrabble-Nl "scored"(63), "Rounds"(63), "points"(140), "DOUBLE"(19), "available"(44), ...
9 Lowerland and Chandro "thanks"(17), "SCRATCH"(14), "color"(4), "banker"(7), "looks"(4), "colors"(5), ...
9 Bankier and Lowerland "within"(226), "is4"(914), "by4"(914), "to4"(2368), "of4"(914), ...

Fresh and popular words
  Word First used by At
1 "opgave"(467) RvF 5.9. 0:33
2 "keuse"(7) Ophidian 8.9. 3:08
3 "zover"(91) RvF 5.9. 0:37
4 "lijkt"(7) Lowerland 30.8. 0:38
5 "extra"(27) Lowerland 1.9. 19:55
6 "hoeft"(3) Fedayking 1.9. 19:57
7 "kapot"(3) cjefke 2.9. 16:49
8 "juiste"(16) RvF 8.9. 23:17
9 "Fortuin"(360) RvF 5.9. 0:33
10 "BEKENDE"(72) RvF 5.9. 13:47

Special words by time of day
  Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1"other"(41)"tabak"(5) "winner"(26)"duren"(20)
2"groot"(23)"liter"(3) "uurtje"(6)"never"(11)
3"jullie"(27)"Regio"(3) "rondje"(3)"DEBUG"(33)
4"place"(78)"mthfker"(10) "vandoor"(3)"$nick"(29)
5"Getal"(14)"vitaminen"(21) "gekocht"(3)"numbers"(201)
6"plaats"(21)"duitsland"(4) "02Het"(8)"working"(18)
7"gamble"(67)"augustus"(4) "koppijn"(4)"flood"(6)
8"scored"(63)  "02Alle"(5)"kaart"(25)
9"Rounds"(63)  "MISSION"(3)"ignore"(5)
10"DOUBLE"(19)  "02Opgave"(13)"Starting"(43)

Special words by day of week
  Monday Tuesday -
Friday Saturday -
1"cijferig"(4)"inzet"(41) "winner"(26)"happy"(77)
2"kombinatie"(3)"server"(24) "1Heeft"(20)"other"(41)
3 "sleep"(25) "NATUUR"(12)"alweer"(113)
4 "$nick"(29) "claimed"(107)"vrouw"(37)
5 "broke"(7) "hahaa"(4)"groot"(23)
6 "flood"(6) "SCRATCH"(14)"jullie"(27)
7 "kaart"(25) "erbij"(3)"place"(78)
8 "Daarom"(6) "lange"(3)"dingen"(28)
9 "early"(5) "banker"(7)"4Talk"(23)
10 "probably"(22) "testen"(6)"Max4"(21)

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #Speelhal

At URL Nick
Yesterday 0:14start.shSynopsis
 First mentioned by Synopsis on 13.9. 23:50.
 First mentioned by Synopsis on Yesterday 0:06.
13.9. 23:58Irc.Global-Irc.Eu
 First mentioned by Ophidian on 25.7. 22:38.
2.9. 17:01https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/irc/eggdrop/scripts/1.0/cjefke
30.8. 1:38https://tinyurl.com/2bjxwzkwOphidian
27.8. 0:01http://website.global-irc.eu/katje.jpgOphidian
21.8. 20:54rizon.netOphidian
19.8. 0:55banana.ascii.ukOphidian
17.8. 20:23https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=PfnxeQCBa8oChandro
16.8. 17:17https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.3831365898.7094/bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075...Chandro
13.8. 23:22Hub.Global-Irc.EuOphidian
9.8. 0:096-49.omLotto-Nl
8.8. 23:266-49.To
 First mentioned by Lotto on 20.7. 20:36.
 First mentioned by Lotto on 20.7. 20:36.
7.8. 1:20http://www.bloodliner.deBlackJack

28 unique URLs collected since 20.7.2024

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Relation mapActivity distribution
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 Word stats
URL tracking

mIRCStats v1.25 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen