| Nick |
Line Count |
Sample Quote |
1 |
Bankier |
   58424 |
"6 The 9 SUPER XTRA Lottery Prize Amplifier 6 is set to 4 17..." |
2 |
Roulette |
   16878 |
"6 * Roulette zegt tegen 4iedereen: 6De uitslag van deze ronde: 4..." |
3 |
BigBucks |
   12341 |
"1,9 Congratulations Synopsis ! You WON A LOTTERY TICKET! ..." |
4 |
eL-LoCo |
   11928 |
"what is so funny bro? ◔̯◔" |
5 |
Sluts |
   10615 |
"1,9 Congratulations Chandro ! You WON A LOTTERY TICKET! ..." |
6 |
Lowerland |
  4668 |
"ik zit naar me reistijd te staren hahaha" |
7 |
Ophidian |
  4309 |
"Chandro chicken ? :P" |
8 |
RvF |
  3458 |
"05Om Rad Van Fortuin te spelen, typ !rad" |
9 |
Keno |
  2191 |
"1,9 Congratulations Synopsis ! You WON A LOTTERY TICKET! ..." |
10 |
Miljonair |
 1866 |
"04Ophidian, here's your question: 06Wie is de rijkste persoon ter..." |
11 |
Talk |
 1681 |
"8,1 4# 8# 9# 8Bickbucks heeft 4 563 keer 8Chiquita BANANA..." |
12 |
Chandro |
1520 |
"ahhh you increase the slots limits" |
13 |
RadvFortuin |
925 |
"12 De Top Spelers Van 6 Tot 10 Zijn: 3#6: - 4 - 3#7: - 4 -..." |
14 |
Info-Bot |
561 |
"1 [ Kanaal statistieken ] |