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Personal stats

1  F1
Last talked: Today 1:05
Lines: 5370
Active days: 138/140
Average lines per day: 39
Average letters per line: 122
Question ratio: 7,6%
Exclamation ratio: 0,5%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 22:18<F1> 05Racefans 02As it happened: 2024 Azerbaijan Grand Prix qualifying | RaceFans Live https://tinyurl.com/29bzb9vr
23:41<F1> 05Racefans 02Will Leclerc grab his chance to win in Baku – and even overhaul Norris? | 2024 Azerbaijan GP pre-race analysis https://tinyurl.com/2bqzjrc3
Today 1:05<F1> 05Racefans 02Piastri “surprised” Red Bull’s challenge faded in qualifying | RaceFans Round-up https://tinyurl.com/2dpl5w5f
2 F1-Info
Last talked: Today 0:55
Lines: 1708
Active days: 139/140
Average lines per day: 12
Average letters per line: 74,1
Exclamation ratio: 25%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Today 0:55<F1-Info> 1 [ Schedule ] 4-= Next Azerbeidzjan Grand Prix 3 15-9-2024 =-
0:55<F1-Info> 1 [ Information ] 6type 7!commands 6for the channel commands, like 7!schedule 6and more.
0:55<F1-Info> 1 [ Channel statistics ] 7http://chanstats.global-irc.eu/stats/formula1.html
3 Skell/Undernet
Last talked: Yesterday 23:24
Lines: 195
Active days: 53/140
Average lines per day: 3,7
Average letters per line: 28,4
Question ratio: 26%
Exclamation ratio: 9,7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 0:09<Skell/Undernet> new freature keep him split.. lol
14:51<Skell/Undernet> hello Skee
23:24<Skell/Undernet> not a bad day for bearman
4 Ophidian
Last talked: Yesterday 23:49
Lines: 170
Active days: 57/140
Average lines per day: 3,0
Average letters per line: 24,1
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 4,1%
Exclamation ratio: 1,2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 2  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 0:10<Ophidian> hehehe ::P
0:10<Ophidian> hahaha
23:49<Ophidian> [23:24] <@Skell/Undernet> not a bad day for bearman << true and calopino either
5 Ophidian/Undernet
Last talked: 13.9. 23:57
Lines: 151
Active days: 33/140
Average lines per day: 4,6
Average letters per line: 26,5
CAPS ratio: 7,3%
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 0,7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
11.9. 12:18<Ophidian/Undernet> am very sorry
12.9. 19:12<Ophidian/Undernet> [18:34] <@Willux> I am hoping for a good race this weekend << yeah me to :D
13.9. 23:57<Ophidian/Undernet> wth is going on with x ?
6 Chandro/Undernet
Last talked: 5.9. 20:44
Lines: 91
Active days: 11/140
Average lines per day: 8,3
Average letters per line: 22,5
Question ratio: 2,2%
Exclamation ratio: 2,2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
23.7. 20:55<Chandro/Undernet> i have just asked for the ip block removal
2.8. 23:44<Chandro/Undernet> bot is back,
5.9. 20:44<Chandro/Undernet> ahh good one
7 Synopsis
Last talked: Yesterday 21:04
Lines: 56
Active days: 19/140
Average lines per day: 2,9
Average letters per line: 27,9
CAPS ratio: 3,6%
Question ratio: 3,6%
Exclamation ratio: 5,4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
Yesterday 0:10<Synopsis> X@no.channels.undernet.org
0:10<Synopsis> :-P
21:04<Synopsis> [21:03] * +X/Undernet (cservice@undernet.org) Quit (*.net *.split) <---- Gone back to the bar :-P
8 Willux/Undernet
Last talked: 12.9. 18:34
Lines: 38
Active days: 11/140
Average lines per day: 3,5
Average letters per line: 35,7
Question ratio: 11%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
31.8. 19:28<Willux/Undernet> makes the championship more interesting
1.9. 0:21<Willux/Undernet> oh wow. Ophidian, I didn't realize you're an ircop on the other server :D
12.9. 18:34<Willux/Undernet> I am hoping for a good race this weekend
9 FrieT/Undernet
Last talked: 28.7. 19:45
Lines: 34
Active days: 6/140
Average lines per day: 5,7
Average letters per line: 21,2
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 5,9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
20.7. 17:14<FrieT/Undernet> poor perez lots his mojo
17:14<FrieT/Undernet> lost*
28.7. 19:45<FrieT/Undernet> who was lucky number 11 who now gained a point? :D
10 Chandro
Last talked: 28.8. 18:00
Lines: 34
Active days: 8/140
Average lines per day: 4,3
Average letters per line: 27,0
Question ratio: 8,8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  2.9.- 9.9.- 
The latest lines
23.7. 19:31<Chandro> pffff
28.8. 18:00<Chandro> date is wrong
18:00<Chandro> there is a race this sunday

Top 3 stats freaks

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 F1-Info  253 "1 [ Channel statistics ] 7http://chanstats.global-irc.eu/stats/formula1.html"
2 F1  23 "12formula1.com 02NEED TO KNOW: The most important facts, stats and trivia ahead of the..."
3 Skell/Undernet  2 "and what is the alonso stats?"

Top 10 smiley using guys on #formula1

  Nick Lines Spoken Sample Quote
1 Skell/Undernet  67 "yeah i will do the training :)"
2 Ophidian  61 "wel what will it be tomorrow ? ! :D"
3 Ophidian/Undernet  43 "wel boys and girls ... i go . talk again later :D"
4 Willux/Undernet  5 "new F1 champion this year? :D"
5 Synopsis/Undernet  4 ":-)"
6 FrieT/Undernet  4 ":)"
7 Synopsis  3 "Have to see the quali first :-)"
8 Syn|Ubuntu/Undernet  2 "dat ik het niet weet :-)"
9 Syn|Ubuntu  2 "love the temp. good to sit outside :-)"
10 Syn|Laptop  2 "Im no bot :-)"

Big Numbers

The loudest one was F1-Info with yell percentage of 25%!
Skell/Undernet was either being philosophical or just plain clueless - 26% of lines contained questions.

Ophidian/Undernet was almost as bad, having a question ratio of 11%.

F1 was overly verbose, averaging 122 letters per line.

Average line length on #formula1 was 55 letters.

Chat partners

People who talk most to each other

1 F1Max
2 F1Sergio
3 MaxSynopsis
4 OphidianSkell/Undernet
5 F1-InfoMax
6 MaxSyn|Ubuntu/Undernet
7 ChandroSkell/Undernet
8 Ophidian/UndernetSynopsis
9 F1-InfoSergio
10 ChandroOphidian

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days First seen percentage
1 F1-Info  139 30.4.2024
2 F1  138 30.4.2024
3 Ophidian  57 1.5.2024
4 Skell/Undernet  53 28.5.2024
5 Ophidian/Undernet  33 28.5.2024
6 Synopsis  19 18.5.2024
7 Willux/Undernet  11 31.5.2024
8 Chandro/Undernet  11 14.6.2024
9 Syn|Ubuntu  8 23.6.2024
10 Chandro  8 17.6.2024
11 FrieT/Undernet  6 30.5.2024
12 Max  4 7.7.2024
13 Synopsis/Undernet  4 28.5.2024

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At Currently
1 F1-Info  139 30.4. - 15.9.2024
  Currently 139 days active
2 F1  95 30.4. - 2.8.2024
  Currently 43 days active
3 Skell/Undernet  7 24.8. - 30.8.2024
  Currently 2 days active *
4 Chandro/Undernet  6 21.6. - 26.6.2024
  Last active 10 days ago (5.9.2024)
5 Ophidian  6 20.6. - 25.6.2024
  Currently 1 days active *
6 Ophidian/Undernet  4 28.5. - 31.5.2024
  Last active 2 days ago (13.9.2024)
7 Syn|Ubuntu  3 26.6. - 28.6.2024
  Last active 5 weeks ago (11.8.2024)
8 Max  3 7.7. - 9.7.2024
  Last active 3 weeks ago (23.8.2024)
9 Synopsis  3 8.6. - 10.6.2024
  Currently 1 days active *

Activity distribution

4/2024 - 9/2024

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0,6%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (0,6%)
0 (0%)
2 (1,2%)
4 (2,4%)
6 (3,6%)
10 (6,0%)
22 (13%)
48 (29%)
49 (30%)
23 (14%)

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
120.. 1 F1(122)
110..119 0 -
100..109 0 -
90..99 0 -
80..89 0 -
70..79 1 F1-Info(74,1)
60..69 0 -
50..59 0 -
40..49 0 -
..39 3 Skell/Undernet(28,4), Ophidian/Undernet(26,5), Ophidian(24,1)

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

#formula1's popular words

Count Word Last used by At
1072 "06Nl.motorsport" F1 Yesterday 21:16
946 "04Autosport" F1 Yesterday 19:33
920 "Grand" F1-Info Today 0:55
767 "07En.motorsport" F1 10.9. 12:12
681 "Verstappen" F1 Yesterday 22:13
592 "03En.motorsport" F1 30.5. 18:27
560 "channel" F1-Info Today 0:55
418 "Miami" F1 3.7. 12:13
360 "Norris" F1 Yesterday 23:41
332 "Schedule" F1-Info Today 0:55

Who uses the most words that no-one else uses?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
2023 F1 "future"(61), "02Why"(137), "racer"(7), "email"(6), "witte"(5), "begon"(5), "langer"(6), ...
70 F1-Info "4more"(101), "6type"(269), "britian"(27), "commands"(308), "3oscar"(16), "Paulo"(10), ...
2 Skell/Undernet "cuddz"(4), "access"(3)

These pairs speak with their own words
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
29 F1 and F1-Info "Vegas"(27), "Round"(219), "Dutch"(108), "World"(304), "Miami"(418), "Grand"(920), ...
25 F1 and Skell/Undernet "final"(40), "stats"(25), "Monza"(128), "Drama"(15), "Binotto"(18), "bring"(11), "happy"(8), ...
21 F1 and Ophidian "never"(22), "needs"(39), "brings"(17), "Viaplay"(27), "zeker"(12), "error"(10), "video"(8), ...
17 F1 and Willux/Undernet "under"(32), "while"(30), "being"(38), "makes"(18), "winning"(22), "between"(19), ...
16 F1 and Synopsis "Imola"(144), "Horner"(32), "engine"(56), "wordt"(16), "should"(19), "zorgen"(15), ...
14 F1 and Chandro/Undernet "ready"(26), "leave"(20), "season"(52), "results"(47), "since"(11), "banned"(11), ...
10 F1 and Ophidian/Undernet "stand"(12), "works"(9), "David"(8), "getting"(13), "women"(3), "knows"(3), "joining"(8), ...
9 F1 and Chandro "wrong"(23), "early"(23), "feels"(18), "Italy"(14), "Angry"(7), "place"(3), "Mexico"(4), ...
8 F1 and Syn|Ubuntu "sprint"(144), "updates"(45), "almost"(7), "around"(6), "Silverstone"(87), "outside"(5), ...
7 F1 and FrieT/Undernet "close"(12), "number"(15), "point"(11), "quite"(4), "having"(3), "started"(3), "difference"(4)

Special words by time of day
  Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1"zendt"(5)"anger"(3) "beats"(27)"rehash"(15)
2"Round-up"(11)"replace"(9) "break"(24)"Willux"(8)
3"command"(8)"gravel"(3) "leads"(46)"tweede"(12)
4"invasion"(3)"picture"(5) "doesn"(14)"Daniel"(7)
5"kameleon-livery"(4)"02Five"(4) "level"(7)"Logan"(6)
6 "Festival"(8) "become"(15)"getting"(13)
7 "Porsche"(3) "wings"(9)"whole"(3)
8 "retains"(3) "Added"(4)"fined"(7)
9 "02WEC"(3) "quite"(4)"Guanyu"(6)
10 "hypercar"(6) "02LIVE"(79)"do’"(4)

Special words by day of week
  Monday Tuesday -
Friday Saturday -
1"Chinese"(20)"Senna"(44) "earns"(3)"morning"(12)
2"WEEKLY"(11)"Friday"(45) "droge"(3)"better"(7)
3"Spanje"(9)"doesn"(14) "02FP3"(7)"thing"(6)
4"opent"(3)"video"(8) "knocked"(4)"Daniel"(7)
5"3more"(36)"level"(7) "outburst"(6)"Logan"(6)
6"02TECH"(12)"movie"(11) "dominates"(8)"Intel"(5)
7"famous"(3)"Oakes"(10) "yellow"(8)"terms"(3)
8"“up"(6)"range"(4) "verge"(3)"server"(3)
9"laments"(6)"Circuit"(18) "PREDICTOR"(7)"updated"(12)
10"ferme"(6)"session"(18) "banner"(4)"double"(7)

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #formula1

At URL Nick
Today 1:05https://tinyurl.com/2dpl5w5fF1
 First mentioned by F1-Info on 19.7. 9:40. Used 89 times.
Yesterday 23:41https://tinyurl.com/2bqzjrc3F1
 First mentioned by F1 on Yesterday 13:00.
 First mentioned by F1 on Yesterday 22:06.
 First mentioned by F1 on 13.9. 12:50.
 First mentioned by F1 on 23.6. 13:27. Used 983 times.
 First mentioned by F1 on Yesterday 17:54.
 First mentioned by F1 on Yesterday 16:39.

Most popular URLs
  URL Count First used by
112formula1.com 983F123.6. 13:27
27http://chanstats.global-irc.eu/formula1.html 114F1-Info16.5. 11:09
306crash.net 109F112.8.2023 9:49
47http://chanstats.global-irc.eu/stats/rizon/formula1.html 89F1-Info19.7. 9:40
5http://Chanstats.chatarea.nl/formula1.html 25F1-Info12.8.2023 11:35
67http://chanstats.global-irc.eu/stats/formula1.html 22F1-Info28.7. 1:49
7https://tinyurl.com/29re46cs 17F128.7. 15:12
803Fia.com 11F110.9. 18:08
97http://chanstats.global-irc.eu/rizon/formula1.html 11F1-Info21.5. 22:06
10https://tinyurl.com/24mfpd3z 10F11.9. 14:04
11https://tinyurl.com/25urpypn 10F14.5. 19:38
12https://tinyurl.com/2g7lffqu 9F128.5. 13:16
13https://tinyurl.com/2bf4jn2u 8F130.4. 10:13
14https://tinyurl.com/2admqsxy 7F121.7. 14:03
157https://www.formula1.com/en/drivers/max-verstap... 7F1-Info7.7. 21:19
16https://tinyurl.com/2k77ga33 6F16.5. 9:14
17https://tinyurl.com/2np39qqz 6F16.5. 0:09
18https://tinyurl.com/yuums8vc 6F16.5. 0:09
19https://tinyurl.com/29a4juyv 6F15.5. 2:37
20https://tinyurl.com/25ucrmx8 6F12.5. 16:08

20 random URLs
At URL First used by
Yesterday 19:19https://tinyurl.com/2cy62ys2F1
13.9. 11:16https://tinyurl.com/2ccjfvrw
 Used 2 times.
10.9. 18:28https://tinyurl.com/2dl3rznbF1
4.9. 15:48https://tinyurl.com/25y5g9ezF1
29.8. 14:56https://tinyurl.com/24w9hwasF1
23.8. 18:27https://tinyurl.com/2y5pgmdzF1
23.8. 17:46https://tinyurl.com/22adlmfh
 Used 2 times.
23.8. 8:05https://tinyurl.com/ynmzb2ebF1
31.7. 11:05https://tinyurl.com/23wo7d8dF1
23.7. 13:44https://tinyurl.com/2ctck8luF1
22.7. 14:53https://tinyurl.com/2yo35m76F1
2.7. 20:22https://tinyurl.com/2qhaz7phF1
28.6. 18:39https://tinyurl.com/2f4llp7rF1
28.6. 13:41https://tinyurl.com/2lvtt5bqF1
19.6. 10:09https://tinyurl.com/2yaq2ht3F1
10.6. 3:52https://tinyurl.com/246pamspF1
24.5. 14:37https://tinyurl.com/23ry85jp
 Used 2 times.
8.5. 14:59https://tinyurl.com/27obxxzs
 Used 2 times.
30.4. 21:48https://tinyurl.com/2ludallk
 Used 5 times.
21.8.2023 10:59https://tinyurl.com/23jfnnngF1

4797 unique URLs collected since 12.8.2023

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 Word stats
URL tracking

mIRCStats v1.25 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen